PhD. Program in Anti-aging and Regenerative Science


Degree Academic Programme Plan Class Length of Programme Ph.D. Anti-Aging and Regenerative Science 1.1 Mon-Fri (Bangkok) 3 Years


Programme’s Philosophy

The Doctor of Philosophy Program in Anti-Aging and Regenerative Science provides learners with creative knowledge creation, innovation development and health problem solving for life-time well-being, healthy aging and preventive healthcare.  The program is designed to integrating knowledge from various disciplines of medicine, integrative healthcare, advanced nutrition and health technology for the innovative research, concept development and health program design for healthy aging and defying body degeneration. The program learning is conducted interactive manner with blended learning, hybrid learning technology for learners to get exposure to constructive guide from course instructor with the concept of cognitive constructivism and knowledge creation through social constructivism. By applying practical experiences with the findings from established knowledge and creating one's own understanding or cognitive structure, the teaching focuses on problem-based learning so that learners will be able to cope with real-life situations smartly. Each student will practice problem solving with the guide instructor and interactive corresponding with peers. The course will help to develop students' skills in research ability, knowledge transfer, concept delivery and innovation in anti-aging science and regenerative health.

The Doctor of Philosophy program in Anti-Aging and Regenerative Sciences therefore applies the theory of knowledge creation and self-intellectual skills (Constructivism Theory) to create learning management and learning outcomes monitoring. Social cognitive theory is used to build skills for students in the curriculum, applying the six aspects of course learning outcomes in order to develop learner’s academic readiness. Ph.D. graduates will be well primed to be a researcher, a mentor and an advisor for others in the field of anti-aging and regenerative science.


Programme’s Objectives

The Doctor of Philosophy Program in Anti-Aging and Regenerative Sciences aims to produce graduates who can create knowledge, invent theory and produce specialized innovation in the fields of anti-aging science and regenerative health with good morality, ethics, and practicing the principles of good research ethic. Ph.D. graduates will be able to create scientific programs to defy aging, promote high level regenerative health that is timely with the country's development goal and policy. Graduates will possess leadership skill, be able to work in multicultural society and have the skill to apply appropriate information technology to extend the knowledge, deliver and practice in anti-aging and regenerative health sciences internationally.


Programme’s Highlights

The Doctor of Philosophy Program in Anti-Aging and Regenerative Sciences combines Anti-aging and Regenerative Sciences coursework with self-paced specific research under close supervision from instructor/advisor. Program support for high-ranking international scientific publication applying advanced research with path for practical implementation at industrial level.  The program is open for all disciplines of academic background.


Career Opportunities

1. Academics, scientists, and scientific researchers in anti-aging and regenerative medicine
2. Lecturers in higher education institutions
3. Independent practice
4. Health advisers and consultants


Program Learning Outcomes: PLOs

After program completion, Ph.D. graduates should be able to 


  • PLO1 Demonstrate honesty, self-discipline and ability to follow good research ethics
  • PLO2 Discuss the application and integration of  advanced knowledge in critical anti-aging and regenerative sciences, as well as advanced analytical tools, scientific research processes, and other related sciences, to safely and appropriately advise and guide others.
  • PLO3 Create anti-aging and regenerative science practice protocol by integrating knowledge of anti-aging science with advanced regenerative health with other related sciences to provide recommendation and counselling safely and appropriately.
  • PLO4 Demonstrate complex problem solving ability with good scientific rationale, while executing leadership skills, good communication upon the science of anti-aging and regenerative health, and able to work with others under a multicultural society.
  • PLO5 Analyze and synthesizes numerical data using advanced biostatistics. Choose to use appropriate information technology for analytics and academic presentation in good international manner.
  • PLO6 Develop knowledge and implementation programs in anti-aging science and regenerative health with advanced research process


Tuition and Fees

  • Plan 1.1:
    • 143,000 Baht per semester
    • 858,000 Baht per programme


Programme Structure

  • Plan 1.1
    Total credits :  
    48  credits  (3-year Doctor’s Degree)
    1. Dissertation   48   credits
    2. Non-credit subjects

(Reference: Doctor of Philosophy Program in Anti-Aging and Regenerative Science Year 2022)

Links: Plan 1.1



  • 1.1 = Dissertation only (not less than 48 credits) (Master's degree graduates)
  • 1.2 = Dissertation only (not less than 72 credits) (Bachelor's degree with honours graduates)
  • 2.1 = Course work (not less than 12 credits) with Dissertation (not less than 36 credits) (Master's degree graduates)
  • 2.2 = Course work (not less than 24 credits) with Dissertation (not less than 48 credits) (Bachelor's degree with honours graduates)